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MedCan Family Foundation





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Despite a schedule change in 2018 to allow patients to get safe medical cannabis products with the help of specialists, patients still face lots of problems, like not having the right information, being treated badly by others, and not having enough money. As parents of really sick kids with lots of needs, we know how hard it is to take care of them every day. We've been fighting for over 2 years for our kids to get medical cannabis from the NHS, and we want other parents and carers to talk openly with their doctors so that they can get the medicine they need faster. MedCan Support is a charity that helps families who want to know more about medical cannabis for their child with epilepsy that doesn't get better with other treatments. We work with doctors and researchers from around the world to give families the facts so they can make the right choices for their child. We also want to help families with money problems. When families can't get the medicine they need from the NHS, they have to pay a lot for private prescriptions. This makes everything even harder for them. Finding out that your child has a really bad illness, one that doesn't have a cure and makes them have lots of problems with their development, can cause a lot of worry and sadness. Parents often feel very anxious, depressed, and have something called PTSD. We want to help by giving families grants for things like mental health support, taking a break, going on holiday, and getting special equipment.

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