Where Can I Find 4C LABS?

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London, England, United Kingdom

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4C LABS is a healthcare, technology, and pharmaceutical start-up in the UK that is growing quickly. They focus on virtual prescribing, pharmaceutical distribution, and clinical development of cannabis-based medicinal products for human health. There is now strong evidence showing that cannabis-based medicinal products are effective in treating cancer-related pain, anxiety, childhood epilepsy, spasticity, and sleep disorders. The company is dedicated to advancing scientific research and helping regulate the distribution and prescription of cannabis-based medicinal products in the UK and Channel Islands. 4C LABS collaborates with leading scientists, specialist physicians, and pharmacists. They use disruptive technologies to prioritize patients and evidence over stigma when approaching treatment. The company works closely with organizations like Drug Science, the Cannabis Industry Council, The Home Office, The Medicines and Healthcare and Regulatory Authority, and the Care Quality Commission. Their goal is to bring about safe, regulated changes in the medical field. If you are a technologist, physician, scientist, distributor, LP, or a patient and are interested in working with 4C LABS, you can contact them at info@4clabs.ca for a conversation.

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